Szymon Kaliski

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Generating this Website Statically, the Hard Way


The only thing I can report on this quarter is that I went down one of the most common computer-person-with-a-website rabbit holes imaginable: I wrote my own static site generator. At least, I didn't do it to procrastinate actually writing something, but to keep this site in a healthy state.

This website is now just plain HTML & CSS, just how Tim ↗ intended. It is generated from ~2000 lines of bespoke Typescript code. I documented the details in a little write-up — there are some fun things in there: custom markdown directives, backlinking with highlighted text fragments, and cross-markdown transclusions. Enjoy!

Worth Checking Out

What I've been reading lately:

On the web:


Summer has finally begun, which means that once again, I'm optimizing for swimming in the nearby outdoor pools as often as possible. Life is also keeping me busy, so I make no promises about any new side-projects for the next issue, but I do have a couple of things in the back of my mind.

In the meantime, if you find any issues with the new website, do let me know!

464 words published on Q2 2024let me know what you think