Szymon Kaliski

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So much of what people like about terminals isn't really about plain text!

  • low latency
  • information density
  • ability to automate (even copy and paste, not just scripting) ↗

I also like how you create a trail through your actions. You can scroll back to see exactly what command did what, with what parameters, and what was returned. Feels much more "modeless" than most GUIs, where things keep getting stacked on top of your screen. ↗

On a technical level, a CLUI command is conceptually similar to a file path or URL. Since a complete CLUI command is simply a path down the command tree, each potential subcommand is like a portion of a file path or URL. Flags, on the other hand, function like query parameters. CLUI's resemblance to URL paths means you can send someone a complete, executable CLUI command as a URL. ↗


  1. 2024-09-02Future Of Coding1
  2. 2020-12-21Dialog in UI1
  3. 2020-12-13Software Performance and Thinking1

329 words last tended to on 2020-12-13let me know what you think