Conversation theory is a cybernetic and dialectic framework that offers a scientific theory to explain how interactions lead to "construction of knowledge", or "knowing": wishing to preserve both the dynamic/kinetic quality, and the necessity for there to be a "knower".
- author: Gordon Pask
- social systems produce responses based on one person's interpretation of another person's behaviour
- meanings are agreed through conversation
- because the meaning is agreed_ and not objectively true, then science needs stable reference points in the knowledge exchange to allow for reproducible results
- so my meaning and your meaning are agreed upon through conversation, and then used as anchors for more meaning
- Conversation Theory describes interactions between cognitive systems - could be two+ people, could be different viewpoints within the same person - both for living organisms and machines
- formalisations:
- concepts can be derived from other concepts
- alternative derivations may be created through
and OR
(use of logic)
- analogies exist between topics which share meanings and differences
is your meaning (or, to say it more carefully, my view of your meaning) consistent with my own, pre-existing view?
- 2021-02-10Second-Order Cybernetics1