Szymon Kaliski

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Future Of Coding

Index of notes related to improving the way we create dynamic systems:


  1. 2024-04-14Canvas for Programming1
  2. 2023-04-03Joining Replit, and musings from the Job Hunt1
  3. 2022-07-19Bret Victor's Thesis1
  4. 2022-04-26Writing Was Invented for Pragmatic Reasons1
  5. 2022-02-14Thinking About Thinking Requires Something to Think About1
  6. 2022-02-01Simulator1
  7. 2022-01-03A Dog, Short Ramble on "Programming", MIDI→CV, and a Rabbit-Holing Web Browser1

95 words last tended to on 2024-09-02let me know what you think