when thinking with zettelkasten I found that after a while note titles themselves become a shortcut to the ideas noted inside - I no longer have to open the note to have a mental picture of what it's about
the titles are one step up on the ladder of abstraction
Andy Matuschak noticed the same thing, calls notes "APIs":
When Evergreen notes are factored and titled well, those titles become an abstraction for the note itself. The entire note's ideas can then be referenced using that handle. In fact, this property itself functions as a kind of litmus: as you develops ideas in notes over time and improve the "APIs," you’ll be able to write individual notes which abstract over increasingly large subtrees
— https://notes.andymatuschak.org/z3XP5GRmd9z1D2qCE7pxUvbeSVeQuMiqz9x1C ↗
160 words last tended to on 2020-12-13 — let me know what you think