Szymon Kaliski

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Programmable Ink


  1. 2024-09-02Future Of Coding1
  2. 2024-07-01Generating this Website Statically, the Hard Way1
  3. 2023-06-19Live Coding LivebookPrototyping Probing and Tracing in Elixir Notebooks1
  4. 2023-03-21Neighbour Computing1
  5. 2023-01-05UntangleFuzzy Logic Solving with a Stylus1
  6. 2023-01-02Research Themes1
  7. 2023-01-02Publications, Appearances, and looking for the Next Thing3
  8. 2022-10-30InkbaseHand-Drawn Sketches × Spreadsheets1
  9. 2022-07-04Embedding VPLs in Existing Contexts, DIY Document Camera, and a New 3D Printer1
  10. 2022-06-13DIY Document Camera1
  11. 2022-03-29CrosscutDrawing Dynamic Models1
  12. 2021-09-27New Home, New Music and Collection Browsing1

73 words last tended to on 2024-09-02let me know what you think