Szymon Kaliski

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Pi Cap

I collaborated with Bare Conductive ↗ in building software for Pi Cap ↗ which brings capacitive sensing known from their TouchBoard ↗ to Raspbbery Pi.

Pi Cap has 12 electrodes for sensing capacitive touch, high quality audio output, prototyping area for soldering, button, and RGB led.

Our main task was to prepare software examples for users to quickly start playing with this board in C++ or Python. We also created Python wrapper for C++ MPR121 driver prepared by Stefan Dzisiewski-Smith ↗ from Bare Conductive.

Examples range from controlling RGB led and reading input from the button, to more complicated things, like streaming data through OSC, playing polyphonic sounds, and even text-to-speech.

All examples are open sourced and available at Bare Conductive's github account ↗.

143 words published on 2016-09-09let me know what you think