Szymon Kaliski

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Crosscut is a research project developed at Ink&Switch ↗ in the Programmable Ink thread together with Marcel Goethals ↗ and Ivan Reese ↗. It is a spiritual continuation of our work on End-User Programming (with an essay here ↗), and the Inkbase project.

As a teaser, with Crosscut you can build-to-explore things ranging from custom step sequencers:

To bookshelf-designing tools:

To learn more, check out the 9000-word essay ↗ covering everything from philosophy, through design goals, to the actual implementation of the prototype.

Crosscut was also presented during my 2022 Strange Loop talk ↗ if you want to see it in action.


  1. 2024-11-11Programmable Ink1
  2. 2024-05-17Live-Programming Issues1
  3. 2024-01-01Improving Replit's Console and a Database-y Creative Coding Environment1
  4. 2023-12-03LiunonDatabase-y Creative Coding Environment1
  5. 2023-07-03Live-Coding Notebooks, SDF Spreadsheets, and a DIY Pen Plotter1
  6. 2023-04-03Joining Replit, and musings from the Job Hunt1
  7. 2022-07-04Embedding VPLs in Existing Contexts, DIY Document Camera, and a New 3D Printer2
  8. 2022-04-04Sketching, Modeling and Programming1

151 words published on 2022-03-29let me know what you think